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Classroom Management

Jobs, Rules, & Procedures

Classroom Management: Tests & Assignments

Explanation of Jobs

Jobs will be rotated weekly*

Classroom jobs will rotate weekly and be tracked with a clothespin system on our wall. Deciding to have jobs within a classroom can be beneficial for both the students and the teacher. The teacher gets help doing extra things that she would otherwise have to do on her own, and the students learn responsibility. I personally chose to integrate them into my classroom for both of those reasons. Some third graders have little experience being held accountable. I truly believe by implementing jobs in my classroom, I am helping them in their development of both fine motor skills and self-awareness.


NES... We Stick Together!

Classroom Management: Welcome


This section is where you can find all of the procedures that will be gone over and practiced with your students to be carried out through the year. Please view each of them and feel free to discuss them with your child before school starts so they get a head start! 



Agendas are used as a form of communication between home and school. Please read them each night to keep track of essential questions, homework, important news, events, and to receive behavior reports specific to your child. 

Bathroom & Water Procedures


coming soon!

Dismissal Procedures


coming soon!

Classroom Management: Class Benefits

Retest Policy


If your child makes below a 70 on a MAJOR reading unit test grade, he/she MUST retest within a 10 day period. I will take an average of the two tests to determine the new grade. If the average is lower, I will keep the first test grade. I do not allow retests on academic vocabulary tests, as the students will get the entire list the first week of school to study all year. Please check the 5th Grade REMIND for my testing schedule. 

Homework Procedures


Your child is required to read for 20 minutes each night. Each student is REQUIRED to use a reading log to record their reading each night and get parent initials. Occasionally, your student will have additional practice assignments, especially if they are falling behind in class. Additionally, there might be homework from the other content areas, but it should take your child no more than an hour to complete- that should include the 20 minutes of reading. 


  • Please send a note to school the next school day, after an absence. â€‹

  • When changing afternoon transportation arrangements, please make sure to send me a note. The school will not accept emails/texts to the teacher. We will be checking ID's in the car rider line for the safety of the children! 

Classroom Management: Class Benefits

Our Behavior Goals

These are posted here, as well as on the wall in my classroom!


Be on time, on task, & prepared to learn EVERYDAY. #nofreedays

Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students, & yourself. #benice


Be responsible for your own learning. #quitcheating #workhard

Clean up after yourself & your peers. #notyourmom


Keep all personal electronics PUT AWAY. #onlywithpermission #notexting #nopictures

Classroom Management: Class Benefits
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